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Friday, January 14, 2011

Health Update

So here we are, weeks after the holiday season and I'm here to tell you... I survived it! Yes, I still packed on a few pounds because of all those delicious desserts and carb delights. However, I weighed myself this morning and am happy to report that my weight is back to the number I achieved prior to thanksgiving and Christmas! :)

I haven't worked out much at all lately because unforunately my mind and body are not feeling up to par at this time... Went to the doctor to see what it might be and let me tell you... There are a number of possibilities! I'd like to share with you a bit because I feel the need to talk about it but am too insecure to say it out loud. There are quite a few options out on the table so I am currently going through testing to see what it is NOT and hopefully we can stumble upon what it IS that is making me so miserable and exhausted.

I went to the doctor today and told him (as much as I could)about my current symptoms. They include but are not limited to:
>muscle pain (all over)
>lower back and gluteus pain
>restless sleep
>lack of concentration
>neck pain
>throat pain
>random buzzing in my head/ear (occasionally)
>increased sensitivity to heat and cold

Well, he had a couple guesses as to what it was and he requested that I get my thyroid examined. I went downstairs and had them take an ultrasound of my throat.... I felt like a pregnancy gone wrong! LOL it seriously felt like they were searching for a baby in my neck! Science is weird. Lol

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